D is for W - The latest estimates state that autism spectrum disorder affects 1 of every 150 children today. This represents a profound change in the lives of tens of thousands of parents during this moment in the history of mankind
Autism and Fatherhood - This e-book is inspired by children with autism and their fathers. Fathers go through unique emotions and expectations when dealing with a child with autism. This book offers helpful tips and inspirational stories
Build Your Memory - You already have an excellent memory. You just don''t know how to use it!
BULD YOUR MEMORY - The ebook that unleashes the incredible hidden potential of YOUR memory!
By Mark S. D''Arcy
Many people claim that they possess a poor memory. Indeed you may even be one of those people yourself
2006 Vitamin & Supplement Guide - The 2006 Vitamin & Supplement Guide critically evaluates 118 dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals, describing which ones work, which ones don't, and which ones might actually be dangerous
Rampart Illustrated First Aid Guide -
Do you know what to do if your child is choking, or how to tell if a loved one is having a heart attack or stroke? How do you revive a drowning victim, or help someone suffering from heat stroke? These and hundreds of other questions are answered in the Rampart Illustrated First Aid Guide
This product provides medical professionals with a quick, portable guide to important lung sounds, their mechanism of production and the locations where they are commonly heard
Heart Sounds Pocket Guide - If you are a medical student, family practitioner, nurse or emergency medical worker, here is a pocket reference guide to heart sounds. This Pocket Guide explains the origin and characteristics of heart sounds and murmurs and provides auditory and visual waveform examples of the most common of these sounds
The Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) GUIDELINES Pocketcard™ is endorsed by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and based on the latest ACCP guidelines with current WHO functional classifications
How we Heal It's said that our health is our greatest wealth.
Unlike health products that cover only nutrition and lifestyle factors, or books that deal with consciousness, spirituality, personal growth, and metaphysical considerations outside the realm of the physical, How We Heal addresses healing in the broadest conceivable context