FacebookReporterer allows you to enter a FaceBook ID code and downloads the status updates and places them into a list. Tap on the status header to view the full text in the bottom status viewer. NOTE: For this to work the user must have status public setting. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookSmoking allows you to update your Facebook 'My Notes' each time you smoke. When you smoke tap the button to update your 'My Notes' folder with a new entry with the last date/time of the last smoke. Your doctor/nurse can use the PocketPC FacebookSmokings to track your smoking habit. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookSyncer allows you to update your FaceBook app *or* FaceBook profile status (depending on settings) and keeps track of the total time since you last updated it. Enter the text (Maximum 450 characters) and the key to update your FaceBook app with the new status message. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookSyncerer allows you to securely store your notes on the FaceBook server. Each time you make a new note the program uploads it to your Facebook 'My Notes' folder and stores the Note ID code. When you tap on the button the program will download the note from Facebook. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookTemplates - FacebookTemplates allows you to compose template status updates on Facebook. When you tap the 'Update' button the program will update your FaceBook news feed with the text in the template. To get an app and get the token visit developers.facebook.com. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookToken creates the 'FaceBookToken.dat' file that is needed for the private/secure FaceBook programs on the CeBeans.com website. Enter or paste the App ID number, App Canvass URL name and the users PID number. The program will then create the FaceBookToken.dat file. The program also has a register app option. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookUpdaterer allows you to update your FaceBook app wall and keeps track of the total time since you last updated it. Enter the text (Maximum 450 characters) and the key to update your FaceBook app with the new status message. This service is provided by FaceBook
FarmValue is calculator for Facebook's Farmville.
It calculates the best crop for you to plant, by simply:
- Write down the number of hours or days of your next visit.
- It then shows you the best 3 crops for you to plant.
- When you press the one you choose, it asks you for you plantation size
FBLoc is a small app that allows you to update your Facebook status with your current location, either by CellID or more accurate GPS!
CellID: Gets your status based on the Cell Tower you are currently connected to, then querying its location and some info from your phone reverse-geolocate the coordinates returned by the program to an approximate address..