Diabetic Diary records your self administerd Diabetic blood tests. It allows recording of as many tests per day as required. It can categorise them (e.g. Before mid-day meal; After evening meal etc), and allows recording of up to three user-defined medications per test
VidaOne Polar - Using a Polar heart rate monitor? See your performance right into your Pocket PC!
Use VidaOne Polar with MySportTraining and/or MyPersonalDiet (sold separately) to download workout data via infrared from your Polar® S, CS or RS series (see list below) right into your Pocket PC and to view it in a snap
VibrateSmoke is a an easy way to cut down on smoking using the vibrate function of your PocketPC. You can create a schedule of the times when you smoke (increase interval each day) when you can smoke the program vibrates. NOTE: Talk to a doctor or nurse for help
PeeTwitterer allows you to log/publish the times when you pee to your Twitter.com account. The program has a timer that displays the total time since you last peed and when you tap the button the program will also report the total time since the last pee in the tweet. This service is provided by Twitter
Prescription Medicines Manager - This application is designed so that you can keep track of any medications you take on a regular basis.
When you last ordered a particular drug, how many you currently have to hand, which surgery the repeat was requested from and which pharmacy filled the prescription
WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders) is a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice
Kai's Beast Master.Net Dispel Gnats, Fleas, House Mosquitoes, Mice, Rats, Martens and Cockroaches with high Frequencies.
Frequency range: 7 to 12 KHz and 16 to 20 KHz
Select the Animal and the corresponding Frequency will be set
Sound-Playback until STOP is pressed
The Pocket PC will not switch off thereby
TranscripXionist is a Handheld transcription editor that operates by you first designing specific transcription notes sentence by sentence (on your Windows PC). You are given the opportunity to add four alternative suggestions for each sentence so that you can easily replace full sentences on the fly