Euro Currency & Financial Calculator - This software has a built-in: - A Money converter, delivered with a EURO Exchange Rate Converter, easily customisable to your need
Bling Bling Manager - You not only can track spent and recieved transactions but also keep track of transfers.
· Advanced filter/sort mean you can customise what you want to see.
· Display summary for all accounts with money you have now and will have (includes unconfirmed transactions).
· Have categories to list transaction under
Expenses and Export - Expenses and Export enables you to enter your transactions on your Pocket PC and export its on your PC. This software is easy to use.
This software is designed for the best compatibility with the accounting softwares as Money, Quicken, Accounts & Budget..
Loan/Mortgage Calculator calculates payments and amortization schedule to refinance loan/mortgage (according to a new rate, term, and periodicity of payments)
Pocket Loan Calc is a simple program for determining the amount of monthly payments when you know the loan amount and the repayment period
TipAssistPocket PCVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 25 Jan 12 Tags: Finance
TipAssist - How much should you tip? TipAssist, a simple Visual Basic application will let you know. The HELP file is a wealth of information on tipping, when to and how much. Take a look at our other products too: Pocket PickMeUp and Pocket Patriot
Smart Money for Pocket PC - Iterium Smart Money is an expense optimization software for the Pocket PC designed to increase your money's purchasing power
Currency Converter 2005 - The currency converter uses a webservice provided by to download the conversion rates
Once downloaded, the rates are then cached for times when the device does not have an active internet connection.
What's New in This Release:
· Currency Converter 2005 v1
Fizz Bill Now (Pocket PC) - Fizz Bill Now is a simple, small utility.
We've all been there, been out with friends and family. Dinner's over and the dreaded bill arrives.
With Bill Now, simply tap in the bill cost, the percentage of tip you feel they deserve and the number of people the bill should be split by