IPTWeather - View AccuWeather forecast as icons in iPhoneToday and S2U2. · It displays current temperature (and RealFeel) and current weather in iPhoneToday as an icon
· By taping on an icon well configured in iPhoneToday, you can display up to 5 days forecast (day and night forecasts). For day forecasts, it displays the higher temperature and RealFeel higher temperature, and for night forecast, it displays the lower temperature and RealFeel lower temperature
· The weather is retrieved every some time set by the user
· It can display current day/night forecast as S2U2 wallpaper
· It can display current day/night forecast description as S2U2 slide text
· It can display next day forecast as S2U2 UserWeather, with higher temperature (RealFeel higher temperature) / lower temperature (RealFeel lower temperature)
What's New in This Release:
· added iPhoneToday setting IPTWmaxForecastDaysToShow to limit the number of days of weather forecast icons shown in iPhoneToday (to limit to 4 days even if 8 days are downloaded for instance...).
· added iPhoneToday setting IPTWforecastDaysToSkip to set a number of days of weather forecast icons to skip in iPhoneToday (not to show current day forecast for instance...).
· added many shortcuts in the Start Menu/IPTWeather folder.
· now, when IPTWwriteForecastInFile=1, setting IPTWforecastIconSkipFirstAtSunset=0 works.
· small performance optimization when IPTWhideNightForecastIcons=1.
What's New in 20110511:
· added the "header:" prefix for the IPTWforecastStartPage setting so you can set the page header name instead of the page number (very useful if you which to move your iPhoneToday weather page around...)
· now working weather background for iPhoneTodayDesktop.exe
· code improvement (use of += 1 instead of = ... + 1, less duplicated code, added some tests)
· corrected bug that the goToAccuWeather question was displaying empty dialog box.
· corrected bug that the error icon was not displayed in iPhoneToday on current weather icon when there were update errors (rather rare...)
· optimized check for live connection
· updated to iniEditor_v05
What's New in 20110304:
· new setting IPTWobservationTimeExecField to run any script or app when clicking on the weather update time icon in iPhoneToday.
· split settings into settings and settings: make sure to run the restoreBackupConfig.mscr script to restore your backup weather.ini file!
· added the %SCITY% text pattern for cities short names defined in the citiesShortNames.ini file.
· do not display any dialog box while running the quickIPTWFavoriteLocationChange.mscr script if IPTWupdateWeatherNowQuestion is empty.
· IPTWiPhoneTodayClassName setting also used in the 'IPTWeather Location' script.
· the IPTWupdateWeatherNowQuestion dialog box title contains ' + ...' when all the favorite locations with * are to be updated.
· corrected bug that current weather icon of favorite locations with a + was not display if no location had a *.
· Added Wifi option for the IPTWinternetConnection setting. What's New in 20110330:
· corrected bug: now you can display the days of week even if language is not US-English.
· corrected bug: wrong time comparisons when in daylight saving time.
· back IPTWwriteForecastInFile=0 by default.
· better power management change triggering.
· added 'RIL Map' connection type for setting IPTWinternetConnection.
· now IPTWinternetConnection can be a list of connection types, comma separated. IPTWeather will try each one of them until it connects successfully.
· now choosing a location from the manageIPTWLocation.mscr script only updates this one and not all starred ones at script exit.
· added Spanish weather description language file.
· added mapping for k/h to km/h in the French lang.ini file.
· added Spanish lang.ini language file.
· better ReplaceMap and AutoTextShortening for the fr.ini file What's New in 20110213:
· Removed all comments from weather.ini file for better performance of IPTWeather. All comments are now in the weather.ini.desc description file that is used for the IPTWeather Config script.
What's New in 20101215:
· Fixed display if IPTWeather update time is after sunrise/sunset but AccuWeather observation time is before.
· Small code improvement
What's New in 20101202:
· At installation, create the 'Start IPTWeather' shortcut in the StartUp folder.
· If IPTWwriteForecastInFile=1, then automatically display forecast icons in iPhoneToday.
· To avoid issues with S2U2, removed use of the Kill function of MortScript and run iLock2.exe -slide instead of s2u2.exe.
· Check S2U2 icon file sizes to ensure UserWeather icons are updated correctly if IPTWS2U2UserWeatherIconsPath is changed and/or if icons are changed within the same folder.
· Removed not well working IPTWmaxDownloadMinutes setting.
· If S2U2 not installed, disable S2U2 related features before updating S2U2 registry.
· Disabled IPTWtranslationLanguageCode setting which cannot work since last AccuWeather.com website update.
· IPTWalsoDisplayOriginalDescInIPT=0 by default.
What's New in 20101119:
· Better management of weather update download kill system (data refreshed even after an update failure).
· Corrected major bug that IPTWeather may be blocked if S2U2 fails to be restarted correctly (S2U2 issue).
· Corrected bug in observation dates (introduced in previous version).
· Corrected bug in obsolete data display (introduced in previous version).
· Small code improvements.
What's New in 20101111:
·Code refactored for less duplicated code.
· Enhanced connection management in the change location script.
· Added setting IPTWmaxDownloadMinutes to kill the update after some time to avoid strange behaviour if the update fails but locks MortScript.
· Now, if last update has been done before the sunrise (or sunset), and time is after the sunrise (or sunset), data are considered as obsolete.
· Change rdona API by ruan API by default.
· Now, can load AccuWeather forecasts from 1 to 7 forecast days instead of fixed 5, depending on the number of days available in the API.
· Corrected bug that the wrong weather information may be showed during night before the sunrise if data are not up-to-date.
· Do not reload S2U2 wallpaper if pictures cannot be found, for instance if pictures are on the storage card and the device is connected to a PC.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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