- A simple IRC client for Windows Mobile.
The first time you start the settings dialog will be displayed. The settings are stored in /Storage/ircnet.ini for future sessions, and the settings can be altered using Menu/Settings
Welcome to the fastest mobile internet experience on the planet! Viigo is a free mobile application, giving you instant access to Entertainment, Sports, Traffic Reports, Weather, Business, Blogs, RSS and Free Cool Services on your WM Smart Phone
YP - ATT Yellow Pages Navigate your daily life.
Searching for the best pizza, want to read reviews on auto mechanics, or need a good dentist, YP℠ helps you find what you are really looking for. Download YP now!
YP, an industry leading mobile app from AT&T Interactive, delivers the YP local search experience to your mobile device
Spb Insight is a news reading Smartphone program that gives a rich offline experience along with an easy interface and full RSS/Atom support. With Spb Insight you'll always have all the latest information, right in your pocket, with images and whole articles, yet fully optimized for small screen viewing.
Full website news
Full RSS/Atom support (0.9x, 1
mDigger - View, organize, and manage information from various Web sites. Provides users with a new and surprisingly user-friendly information-browsing experience. The program is a simple, yet powerful little tool that lets users read, organize, and update all the information delivered to their computers from Web sites via mDigger Service at
Upvise Wikipedia - Imagine having the entire knowledge of the largest collaborative encyclopedia in the world at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Just type in any word on your mobile and download instantly the entire Wikipedia article specially formatted for your mobile device. You can also bookmark any article to a create a list of favorites in your account
Speeed Reader - First things first, what is Google Reader? Google Reader is an online RSS aggregating tool used to pull in RSS feeds from your favorite websites, such as, ESPN,, etc. RSS feeds are the pure contents (articles, pictures, etc.) of a website.
Speeed Reader is a Google Reader client for Windows Mobile devices