MapEphemeris - MapEphemeris uses the GPS on your PocketPC to download the hourly Ephemeris file from the GPS network. You can use this before you start other GPS applications to get a quicker GPS lock. NOTE: The ephemeris file expires after about 1 hour.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Similar Software:
VoiceGPSeds VoiceGPSeds - VoiceGPSeds is a full-featured voice recorder with GPS location tagger. You can make voice recordings and the GPS location is appended to the end of the file. You can browse the files via GPS distance. Tap on the wave file to play it back.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
Terracrosser Terracrosser is a free GPS navigation software for Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
· Terracrosser works in Map and Photo modes
· Terracrosser uses zoomable maps
· Terracrosser is completely compatible with Google Maps service. With included Mapper module you can download maps from the Internet
KM GPS Autodetect KM GPS Autodetect - Tool search for GPS connected to PDA. Program needs 2-3 minutes to try all ports and speeds on device
GPSbyGPRS (Pocket PC) GPSbyGPRS is a version of GPSbySMS made for Pocket PCs without GSM module
Livecontacts Mobile Livecontacts Mobile is a mobile application designed for WindowsMobile 5 and 6 mobile phones with a GPS inside. A free and fun way to let your friends know where you are. Install Livecontacts Mobile on your mobile phone and share your location along the way.
Now create a Profile Badge with a Google map and add your location to your Facebook profile page
GpsMid Stuttgart GpsMid is a free, fully offline, vector based map application for your mobile phone. It displays your current position on a zoomable map and can be used to search for and navigate to roads or points of interest of your liking. As all data is stored in a compact binary format on your mobile phone you will incur no charges for extra data downloads
GPSSMSerer GPSSMSerer uses the GPS on your PocketPC to find your latitude/longitude/altitude and speed and creates a single blank SMS template. When the program gets its first lock then it creates an SMS with your GPS update location and a link to the mobile online street map
BT747 MTK GPS Datalogger Device Control BT747 MTK GPS Datalogger Device Control - i-Blue 747 / i-Blue 757 / Qstarz BT-Q1000 / i.Trek Z1 / Konet BGL-32 / Holux M-241 / ... control SW (for PalmOS, WinCe (PPC), Java platform, Windows, Linux, and MacOS). Compatible with most MTK GPS based loggers
FON Access Points for Mayotte FON Access Points for Mayotte - FON offers you a new Points of Interest service (POIs). This allows you to download FONspots directly to your navigation device.
What does that mean? You can download a Points of Interest file directly to your navigation device
Astrolabe Astrolabe uses your PDA to acquire your GPS position and send it through an SMS.
The GPS position is update every 5 seconds (in order to conserve energy).
SMSs can be sent automatically at regular time intervals
Other Software by developer «Vincent Collura»:
RakeStacking RakeStacking - The object of the game is to guide the leaves into a stack with the screen or joypad and make sure they don't land on the ground and are stacked above the previous one. You get 10 points for each one you land on the stack and 100 bonus and next round when you stack all eight. Free man every round after five
TravelIntersections TravelIntersections uses the GPS on your PocketPC to find your current latitude/ longitude/ speed and altitude and looks up the GPS profile for it on the website. Tap the button to start the GPS and when you get the lock tap the button again to view the GPS profile. This service is provided by GeoNames
PhobiaList PhobiaList - This program is a database of phobias and the medical terms. To search the database tap the letter of the item to search. This list was compiled from visit for updates.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
GoalSlapshot GoalSlapshot The object of the game is to use the screen or joypad to follow the puck before it shoots and stop the pucks from going into the net 10 times. You get 10 points each time you return the puck and 100 bonus and next round when you do it 10 times. Free man every round after five
SmokeFacebooks SmokeFacebooks allows a doctor/nurse to track the patients that are using the SmokeFacebook. You can make categories of patients and for each patient the Facebook PID users code and token. When you tap on the sync button the program will download all of the patients smoking logs. This service is provided by FaceBook
ArtWeblogger ArtWeblogger allows you to create HTML based art 'blogs' with text and a full featured drawing tool. When you create a new blog entry tap the drawing button to use the built in JPEG drawing tool. When you save your image the image location is stored on the blog. Select 'Create HTML' from the toolbar to create a HTML blog page with the picture links
RadioAustriaer RadioAustriaer - RadioAustriaer allows you to sync the list of radio stations from the website into a genre sorted database. Tap on the feed to tune it in. This service provided by Mike Dean,
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
VoiceGPSes VoiceGPSes - VoiceGPSes allows you get your GPS and then create a voice recording and send it via email attachment with your current GPS and map link. Tap 'Start GPS' to get your current GPS and tap the button to start/stop the recording and send it via email.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
PodcastsSyncer PodcastsSyncer allows you to share your Podcasts RSS URLs with a group via the public/private folders of a secure remote FTP server. You can make a list of URLs and the RSS URLs are stored as tiny text files on the FTP server. When you tap on the Podcast the program will download it and display in the built in Podcast downloader
CastleQuiz CastleQuiz - This program is a quiz of 250 Castle terms/meanings. Select 'start quiz' from the toolbar and select the correct answer. The program tracks your score.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer