Sidebar is your own FREE personalized content discovery app. Every day Sidebar will have a fresh selection of entertainment, news, deals, info, humor, videos and more waiting for you to check out in one convenient place.
*Tell us a few of your interests, and the more you interact, the smarter we get about sending you stuff you'll like
The WRW (Work Registration Widget) enables Android users to press a button every time they start/stop working. This button is just available on one of your Android desktop-pages, so always close and easy to access. Every button press is registered so afterwards you can ask for a detailed view of all your work-registrations
Executive Assistant provides a unified interface for quickly reviewing your gmail, text messages, missed calls, upcoming calendar events, Google Reader feeds, and favorite widgets.
Use in any of 4 modes:
* Lock Screen Use as a lock screen replacement to preview all of your stuff without going through the hassle of unlocking the phone
aHome is a home replacement application for Android-based devices. You can download and customize multiple home themes, wallpapers and widgets for your Android home. In addition, it extends your home functions by including features such as two bar styles, customized screen counts, and automatic wallpaper changes. aHome will make your Android life fresh every day
DashBoard - (formerly CarMode) is an alternative to Car Home. Basically what it does is it shows you huge buttons to important apps that you might use when driving a vehicle with less distraction than manually waking your phone, opening the app drawer, etc. Unlike Car Home, this app will give you more flexibility and more settings to poke around with
AppWidgetPicker - This app replaces the stock AppWidgetPicker (long press on the homescreen -> add -> widget) which groups the widgets by packages.
So if you have a widget installed that has 3 different sizes, there is only one entry in the list and if you click it you can pick the size in a second dialog
Crazy Home is a home screen replacement for Android phones.
· Up to 3 separate desktops each with up to 5 screens.
· Easily scroll through your desktops by swiping up and down.
· Dynamically add/remove screens or desktops, no restarting needed