Kayak Crystal River - ClubKayak.com and your Palm OS device take you on a mini virtual kayak trip to Crystal River, Florida USA.
This spring-fed river and associated National Wildlife Refuge is a mecca for paddlers, scuba divers and the endangered West Indian Manatee
Airport Codes (APCodes) is a complete listing of every "Public" airport in the United States (5900+) as well as 570+ of the most popular International airports from over 150 different countries
Moving Helper - There are few things closer to hell on earth than moving day.
After a long day of traveling and lugging furniture, one of your family members yells "Hey! Which box has the toilet paper in it?" You spend the next half-hour rummaging through boxes and watching little Johnny do the number two dance
TravelCalc - 1. Will calculate travel time (E.T.A.).
2. Will calculate the speed needed to drive a specific distance in a specific time.
3. Will calculate the distance that will be traveled at a specific speed in a specific time.
4. Will calculate MPG. (Miles per Gallon)
ProvIta - Province Italiane - lists italian provinces, abbreviations and regions. In Italian.
ProVita elenca le province italiane con le loro targhe automobilistiche e regioni d'appartenenza.
E' possibile ordinare per provincia e regione nelle rispettive fasi di immissione.
I dati sono aggiornabili. In italiano
Turn By Turn may seem like just a database for directions but it's SO MUCH MORE.
Yes, you can enter each turn from start to finish with customizable turn types to chose from.
Yes, you can enter street names, distance, and notes for each turn.
But it's using the data that makes Turn By Turn so valuable
General Safety Tips for Traveling Women for Palm OS - It's a dangerous world out there.
In today's world, traveling has become more and more dangerous, for both your personal safety and your pocketbook. It's vital to arm yourself against those who want your money, your person, and even your identity