3-in-1 Personal Pack - An excellent aid for all modern mobile women - La Femme, Maximus - personal organizer for home and business use and Impulse - beat composing instrument that helps people doing fitness or bodybuilding
SplitTimer - It's customary to have volunteers with stopwatches at various mile markers in a longer race (10K, Marathon, etc.) calling out "splits" so that racers will know how they're doing. The problem is, the time is probably the least interesting statistic to the oxygen-deprived racer. The really interesting numbers are the pace (e.g
Quad4 is a quadrant based task and time management application that is not based on date and time restrictions, but rather the level of urgency. The 4 different levels of urgency can be summarized individually or all together on one screen. There is also a built-in sketch pad for those quick notes. Quad4 now offers date, time and alarm functions not previously available
DeskAlarm - DeskAlarm Gives You Better Alarms!
DeskAlarm is a compact PC application that means you never have to miss an alarm again.
DeskAlarm seamlessly integrates into Palm Desktop displaying all your Palm datebook alarms and due To Do items on your PC , a vital function missing from older version of Palm Desktop and extremely basic in Palm Desktop 4.0
HrMinSecCalc (Palm OS) is a powerful, yet easy to use graphical simulation of a hardware calculator. With it, the user can calculate directly in hours-minutes-seconds including multiplying and dividing by numbers 1.00 to 999.00. Nine memories are available for storing and recalling Hr-Min-Sec values
Note Studio - Because of its flexibility, Note Studio is being used by our customers for a wide variety of purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular is for "GTD", a system described by David Allen, in his book called "Getting Things Done: The art of stress free productivity" (Available on Amazon)
MyCraftCompanion - Leave your arts and crafts organizing to MyCraftCompanion. With MyCraftCompanion you can track Supplies, Contacts, manage unlimited Categories, Occasions and Locations, review Calls for Entry and record your Artwork Projects
ChildCalc is for parents or families who share custody of children as a result of divorce, separation, or other arrangements.
Select a date, and the program quickly displays whether the child is scheduled to be with "Mom" or "Dad"