Artist Expenses for HanDBase - This is an expense recording database for visual artists (painters, sculptors, etc). It is on two tabs to allow entry of an expense detail with an accompanying note if needed. This has helped me at the end of the year when compiling Schedule C expenses.
In this applet you will find:
Tabs for EXPENSE Details and NOTES
Assets Management for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 11 Aug 10 Tags: Databases
Assets Management for HanDBase-Useful database for storing the information needed for repair or warranty forms. If the data is entered the date of purchase then all guess work is eliminated. Most fields are text fields since data tends to be alphanumeric. The notes field is for any information that you wish to store that does not have a named site in the database
Asthmalog for HanDBaseSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 19 Oct 11 Tags: Databases
Asthmalog for HanDBase - Daily asthma log, expanded version for 2 daily peak flows, activity levels, coughing, wheezing, etc., zone value from asthma care plan, and notes section.
Set a filter prior to doing a report
Astrology - Cancer for HanDBase - This Application gives you full details of Cancer for the whole year,your basic characters and personalities,and gives full length detailed forecast for everyweek though out the year. Your personal Equations with your father, mother, friend also given. All the minute information and dual nature of Cancer is given in detail
Atkins Diet Tracker for HanDBase - This will allow you to track the calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins you eat each day to track your progress on the Atkins Diet or other diets that limit either carbs or fats. you need a linked database with the food values, and i have uploaded one i call Atkins Food Values you can use, or try another database and link it to this one
Atkins Food Values for HanDBase - This is a database of foods with their calorie counts, total carbs, fiber, net carbs, protein and fat. It can be used with my Atkins Diet Tracker database to follow your daily intake of calories, carbs, fat and protein.
This works with the Atkins Diet tracker
Attendance Tracker for HanDBase - When it comes to review time, do you have trouble remembering just how often someone stayed late or came in late to work? This appelet allows supervisors to track attendance issues for their employees