CalXY@Be is your calendar of social elections in Belgium.
By choosing your election date (day Y), your calendar is automatically generated.
The calendar allows you to decide whether Saturday and Sunday are working days or not. Depending on this choice, CalXY determines the dates of proceedings. The holidays are considered days of inactivity.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
Other Software by developer «pmeeremans»:
NetPayPlus@Be NetPayPlus@Be is a gross-net calculator (Belgian Salary).
Want to know your net pay with a simple, direct and effective calculator.
Here is NetPayPlus@Be, which includes several benefits (company car, meal voucher, ..
BonusNet@Be With NetBonus you can calculate your net bonus (Belgium).
You can also send the calculation by mail
CreditTemps@Be Tout savoir sur le credit-temps en Belgique, le conge parental, le conge pour soins palliatifs, le conge pour assistance medicale !
NetPay@Be NetPay@Be is the Belgian salary calculator that allows you to calculate the gross to the net
* It gives you a detailed calculation of social security, tax;
* estimate the annual gross salary
Mandats@Be Easy calculate the number of mandats for the Belgian Social Elections
CompCar@Be CompCar@Be THE Belgian calculator for your Company Car in Belgium. It allows you to calculate the taxable benefit on which the withholding tax will be charged and the CO2 contribution payable by the employer
Conges@Be Conges@Be - A combien de jours de conge ai-je droit si je me marie ? Et en cas de deces d'un proche?
Cette application belge vous permet de savoir directement de combien de jours de "petits chomages" (conges de circonstances) vous disposez
Salary@Be What type of belgian compensation granted to employees without NSSO contributions or taxes?
Notice@Be Notice@Be - Easy calculate the employee's notice period in Belgium. Insert the seniority of the employee, the age, salary and the app calculates the notice period.
Notice@Be also shows the new rules applicable from January 2012