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Bubbles Widget for ThrottleLauncher

Bubbles Widget for ThrottleLauncher
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: System Utilities

Upload date: 20 Jul 11

Developer: Alfonso Presa

License: Freeware

Downloads: 642

File Size: 87 Kb
Download Free Bubbles Widget for ThrottleLauncher 

Rating: 2.5/5 (Total votes: 2)

  Bubbles Widget for ThrottleLauncher - Bubble that allows you access to 8 different applications.

To install them just download, then uncompress the zip in your PC and copy the folder it contains to your device using ActiveSync to the path /Program Files/ThrottleLauncher/Widgets (note that the path could depend on your ROM language or the storage where you have installed ThrottleLauncher).

To use the widgets you must have the last ThrottleLauncher version using a theme that contains a widget page.
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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional

Other Software by developer «Alfonso Presa»:

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ThrottleExplorer is new file explorer application. ThrottleExplorer Features: * Multidisplay support (all screen resolutions!) * Smooth and light. * D-Pad support. * Really fast navigation * Copy, Paste and delete files. * Create folder New folder. * Order and grouping by Date, Extension and First Letter * Groups can be collapsed. * Fully skinable
ThrottleLock is a pattern based screen lock application. The device will only be unlocked when a pattern is drawn on a grid of points. Important: the default code is to click on the first point (the one on the top left corner)
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ThrottleLauncher is a launcher app designed for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 in c# and c++. Basically it consists of several pages containing rows. Each of the rows depending of it contents can be scrolled horizontally by using the finger. The app is fully configurable through xml files so the rest of the features depends on the different setups
ThrottleStorage — shows you graphically how your storage space is beeing used. It will come in hand when you need to free some space and you need to find a large files on your storage space. You can navigate through all of your folders and analize each one in detail or exclude them from the report

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