Alkometer - Alkometer allows you to calculate alcohol in blood(permille) based on what you drink, how much alcohol and when you drink it.
The calculations are done based on your gender and body weight.
We have found a new way to generate some money from this free app
All Diets - Are you confused with all different diets?
Can't tell which diet is the best for you?
This App will help you choose the diet that will fit you the best, out of tens of possible diets
Allergies Baby - Many things can trigger an allergic reaction, from milk, nuts, and shellfish to pollen, bee stings, and dust mites. But how do you know what you're dealing with ...
Here you can find out how to tell if your child has allergies and what you can do to treat or prevent allergies in children
Allergy Diseases - An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system.Symptoms include red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma
Allergy Shots - Allergy shots, also known as Immunotherapy, are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that they are the only proven long term treatment for people's symptoms. An Allergy shot can help to reduce common allergy symptoms that include itchy or watery eyes, sneezing and breathing difficulties
So how do we determine you are allergic to something? We look at the common allergy symptoms to establish whether a simple lifestyle change will suffice or if an appointment to your general practitioner is in order
Have allergies or asthma? Is your allergy making you unproductive? HealthMobs may be able to help! This application lets you: 1. Checkin when and where you had allergies or asthma by touching the widget
Almas tallaei dawakhana - Taseer Dawakhana's web site for best herbal cure,Medicine,disease's articles,lots of information to let your knowledge expand and gives you a better health and better tomorrow
Almas tallaei labs - Taseer Dawakhana's web site for best herbal cure,Medicine,disease's articles,lots of information to let your knowledge expand and gives you a better health and better tomorrow