FacebookApp creates the 'FaceBook.dat' file that is needed for the FaceBook App programs on the CeBeans.com website. Enter or paste the App ID number and the App Secret and tap the button to create the file. NOTE: The file is stored in the 'FaceBookApp' folder. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookBluetooth sends your Facebook page link via bluetooth to another bluetooth device. Set your name and FaceBook User Name in the 'Options' on the toolbar and tap save. When you tap on the 'Bluetooth' button the program will send your profile card as a text file via bluetooth
FacebookButtons allows you to assign buttons to FaceBook app ID numbers. For each app you can create a button with the app number and the name of the app. When you tap on the button the program will open the mobile FaceBook page for the app. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookClipboard allows you to update a Facebook app with the current contents of the clipboard. Copy the text onto the clipboard from any PocketPC application. When you tap the button your Facebook app status will be updated with the clipboard. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookDateds allows you to create a text entry for each day of the month and when you save the daily entry is is uploaded to Facebook 'My Notes' folder and stores the note code number. You can also view your diary on FaceBook in a calendar interface via the note code. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookDeleterer - FacebookDeleterer allows you to update and delete your FaceBook status messages and also view your time line. When you are on the view page select the status message and 'Delete' from the toolbar to delete the status from your FaceBook time line. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookDiaries allows you to compose a daily diary text file and upload it to your FaceBook.com 'My Notes' folder. Enter the text for the daily entry and tap the button to upload the diary entry to your FaceBook account. NOTE: No local file is stored on your device. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookEmailerer allows you to send your FaceBook User link via Email. You can set your FaceBook User Name and page in the 'Options' in the toolbar. When a person asks you for your Facebook page tap the button to create an Email template with your Facebook page link
FacebookGPS allows you to update your status on FaceBook with a GPS link to a Google.com mobile map. Tap the button to get a GPS lock. Once you have a lock enter your status update and your FaceBook.com status will be updated with a link to the Google.com Mobile maps. This service is provided by FaceBook
FacebookGPSNotes allows you to update your 'My Notes' on FaceBook with a GPS link to a Google.com mobile map. Tap the button to get a GPS lock. Once you have a lock enter your note and the note will be added to your FaceBook.com 'My Notes' with a link to the Google.com Mobile maps. This service is provided by FaceBook