Pictures2Background is an application that connects to our server and gather pictures uploaded by the developer and other users. This application will allow you to download these pictures and you can make them your background / wallpaper.
To upload pictures to our servers your must visit the developer website at
TwitterMyFlickr is a neat little app that posts a picture to Flickr and Links to it on Twitter.
One day a while back I was wondering how to share some photos from my Windows Mobile phone on Twitter. I looked at various things, but realised that I really wanted them on Flickr too! So I came up with this Application.
So this is really easy
mSeesmic -Get the popular Seesmic service on your phone. All you need is to download this application.
Video Preview of mSeesmic
Alan Chaess of has created and Seesmic client for Windows Mobile (PDA touch/stylus) phones version 5 and higher.
I don't have a lot of information, expect that our CEO Loic has seen it and called it "amazing
TBlogger with a few basic needs in mind:
* The ability to take my blog with me.
* Editing and creation of posts (and pages in WordPress).
* Uploading of images and other files.
* Creation and management of categories.
* Off-line and on-line operation with easy synchronisation
SplashBlog - lets you instantly publish photos from your smartphone to an online photo album (photoblog) to share with others. SplashBlog includes everything you need to share your photos, including software for your smartphone and a free online photoblog account at