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Achivx Partner
Version: 1.2

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Finance

Upload date: 21 May 12

Developer: Spyros Paraschis

License: Freeware

Downloads: 246

File Size: 2033 Kb
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Rating: 3.6/5 (Total votes: 11) - I always thought that expense management is one basic usage of a PDA. My first PDA, a Casio PVS-450 Pocket Viewer, had a very well thought out built-in expense tracking application, which I found very useful.

Later on, I found out that the much more expensive and presumably sophisticated Pocket PC and Palm PDA offerings had no such built-in application, or the one they had was quite poor. So, I went on to make Logi, based on the Casio application that has worked so well for me.

The first verion of Logi came out in 2004 and it was made for the PDA I had at that time, a Casio BE-300 Pocket Manager. I did also make a Pocket PC port, but since I didn't use one, I never tested it out. You can find both of these versions at my home page.

When I obtained a Pocket PC 2003 device, I decided to code a new, more capable version of Logi, using the .net Compact Framework. So, was born. I am using it everyday and I believe that it's a quite capable and useful application, therefore I decided to release it to the public. is a complete expense tracking system, comprised of a PDA application, used to record expenses, and a companion PC application to facilitate backing up of data and expense report viewing.
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Requirements: SQL Server Mobile 2005 1.0

Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
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