Grooveshark gives you access to millions of songs, streamed right to your phone. Search for the songs you want, save playlists, and Favorite the tunes you love. The app requires a $3/month vip subscription for full access, but includes a hassle-free trial
GTunes Mp3 Music Downloader - MP3 Music Downloader Pro Free has now come to Android! A powerful yet user-friendly and intuitive mp3 search engine. With MP3 Music Downloader Pro, you can search and download Mp3 files from public search engines on the web
Haggle is a networking architecture for data-centric opportunistic communication. In laymen's terms, it means that Haggle allows mobile phones to exchange items of data directly between themselves whenever they happen to come in close range. The data to exchange is based on the interests that users express in data
HD Video Downloader Pro - Video Downloader HD is the New generation Fastest professional video downloader application for android devices. This Video Downloader is for Free. HIGHLIGHTS of Video Downloader: + Safe and secure + Accuarte and Fast + Fastest video Downloader. + Gorgeous UI Video Player and viewer
Hoccer: data sharing - Share your pictures, music, contacts, bookmarks, messages and arbitrary files with simple gestures like dragging or throw n' catch to near by recipients. No setup, no user accounts!
Instantly transmit things between your phone and other Androids, iPhones or our Web App. There is also a Hoccer wall which will show all pictures you throw on it
HotStar - Video And MUSIC SEARCH Play - STAR SEARCH AND PLAY All Video Downloader, MUsic Download ll Video Downloader is Easy Download From Internet. It's FREE and FASTER! The All video downloader is very easy to use; with its simple, direct interface, you can download any kind of Video files
Hummba - is a travel community which lets you download free travel audio guides, directly onto your mobile phone, you can also create your own location-based photo albums, videos and routes and share them with your friends. Connect - see where your friends are. Create footprints - Track and share your routes
iLiveMusic Archive - iLiveMusic gives you free and unlimited access to live recordings from thousands of artists on your Android phone or tablet. There is no need to download the music, you can listen to it streamed to your mobile device.
You can bookmark favorite artists and recordings for quick access
Instagram - A beautiful way to share your world. It's fast, free and fun!
Pick from one of several gorgeous filtered effects to breathe a new life into your mobile photos. Transform everyday moments into works of art you'll want to share with friends and family
iShare for Android is an easy and fast way to share files over the Internet. The app lets you freely transfer any files between your mobile phone and desktop computers.
iShare can also be used as an online file storage service. You can upload files of up to 10MB which will be kept for 7 days.
To share files using iShare:
· Upload any files via 1190