Drug Test Info Apptology - As a public service, American Screening Corporation has put together this app that can be used as a resource for parents and anyone concerned about drug testing
101 Pregnancy Safety Tips - Congratulations on getting pregnant! Now that you're expecting, what do you do? Use '101 Pregnancy Safety Tips' to get helpful hints to keep you and your baby safe throughout your pregnancy!
Many women have a lot of questions when they discover that they are pregnant
Apex Mobile Results - Apex Laboratory, Inc.’s Apex Mobile is a laboratory result application that sends results directly to the ordering healthcare provider’s phone and/or tablet. Apex Laboratory, Inc
Anti Mosquito - Most Effective App for repelling Mosquitoes! - If you live in a area where mosquitoes are huge problem , then this app will help you to stay out those bloody mosquitoes reach.
This application will repel the mosquitoes by emitting sound at very high frequencies.
The pitch of the sound is so high that most humans will not notice anything
Calculatrice ProPoints - *NEW* Calculate your daily point !
With this application you can now calculate the number of points (ProPoint) of your food for your diet Weight Watchers!
It uses to calculate the number of carbs, lipid, protein and fiber
CCO - The CCO event2mobile app is an industry-leading platform that allows Cancer Care Ontario to give attendees an unprecedented level of engagement and information through their mobile devices. The app will display the Event details, speakers, floor map and location, session details and will help attendees to participate in Question answer sessions using the app
Myfitness calculator is simple application for your entire daily fitness requirement (Calorie and Nutrition) and this Myfitness calculator will help serious bodybuilder to any fitness enthusiast
Changed By A Gift - Improves communication between donors and supporters with their beneficiaries overseas. This is possible due to the increasing abilities, penetration and decreasing costs of wireless technology. However, the cost of sending information by an end user in a developing country to another country can be disproportionally high
Metabolic Rate Calculator - The application can be used to estimate the calories you need to consume each day. The calculator makes possible the calculation of the basal metabolic rate and total metabolic rate. Through the calculator you can plan healthy diet including indispensable quantity of the calorie