In this era of information overload, it is critically important to have a practical manual that is helpful to physicians taking care of patients with cancer. The Washington Manual™ of Oncology puts authoritative patient management recommendations at the clinician's fingertips.
This edition has been reorganized into three major sections:
Principles of oncology
Site-specific diseases
Supportive therapy
New chapters cover being an oncologist; principles of cytotoxic therapy; principles of molecularly targeted therapy; principles of clinical research; basics of molecular oncogenesis; pharmacogenomics; molecular diagnostics; cancer and thrombosis; management of complications of chemotherapy; and transfusion medicine. New appendices cover body surface area, dose adjustments of chemotherapy agents in renal and hepatic failure, and online resources for oncologists. The electronic text follows the easy-to-scan outline format that has made the printed manual so popular with busy clinicians.
Let this rapid-access resource help you...
Broaden your cancer treatment options
Prescribe chemotherapeutic drugs with confidence
Increase your awareness of current research
Speed clinical decision-making
Improve patient outcomes
Additionally, you'll get valuable added feature, available only from Skyscape:
Full Images: Vivid images that aid in diagnostic workup.
New interactive flowcharts: Complex algorithms and protocols are transformed from static images into dynamic step-by-step decision support tools. This innovative feature can quickly and easily walk you through even the most intricate decision models.
Table Viewer: All the richness of extensive tables, easily viewable on the compact screen of your mobile device.
Built-in Medical Calculators: Provide instant access from within clinical topics to relevant medical calculators including: BSA, VNPI
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Supported operating systems:
RIM BlackBerry OS 2.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 3.x, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.1, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0
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