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The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd Ed. (OslerHdbk™)

The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd Ed. (OslerHdbk™)
Version: 1.0

Platforms: BlackBerry

Categories: Science & Education

Upload date: 24 Jul 11

Developer: Skyscape

License: Commercial

Price: 49.95 $

Downloads: 0

Rating: 1.0/5 (Total votes: 1)

  The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd Ed. (OslerHdbk™)
The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd Ed.
powered by Skyscape
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences Company
Written by experts at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, this reference covers all of the essential topics encountered in daily practice. It concisely discusses all diseases and disorders in an easy-to-follow, standardized outline format. Each section includes sections on pearls and pitfalls, differential diagnoses, algorithms, and reviews of the most current literature. And, comparative pharmacology tables provide instant access to essential information.

Key Features
  • Presents a wealth of algorithms that aid in diagnosis and management.
  • Integrates evidence-based medicine and rationales throughout, with conclusions based on current, key references
  • Discusses co-morbidities in each section as well as at-risk populations
  • Offers a "Fast Facts" section that provides appendices on lab values, pregnancy and medical therapeutics, drug interactions, IV preparation and administration, drugs in renal failure, immunization therapies, infection control and critical care formulas
  • Presents 29 new sections, including Gastrointestinal Disorders in HIV-Positive Patients, Bioterrorism, Acid-Base Disorders, Stroke, Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and many more
  • Offers a handy, quick-reference summary of ID isolation guidelines
  • New interactive flowcharts: Now, complex algorithms and protocols are transformed from static images into dynamic step-by-step decision support tools. See how this innovative feature can quickly and easily walk you through even the most intricate decision models.
  • Full Color Images: Bring the content to life.
  • Table Viewer: View tables easily and conveniently by rows and columns on the small screen.
  • Built-in Medical Calculators: Over 50 calculators provide instant access from within topics including: A-a Gradient, Anion Gap - Serum, Body Mass Index (BMI), Corrected Serum Calcium, Glasgow Coma Scale, Hepatitis Discriminant Function, Ranson's Score, Winter's Formula, IV Infusion Rate, Heart Rate and more.
Plus, with Skyscape's powerful cross-linking you can quickly and easily access any related disease and diagnostic topics across your entire mobile reference library.
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Supported operating systems: RIM BlackBerry OS 2.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 3.x, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.1, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0
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