Paediatric Vade-Mecum has been a crucial source of reliable diagnostic and therapeutic guidance to doctors managing common pediatric problems at the sharp end. Concise, authoritative, up-to-date and practical guidance on a wide range of clinical issues, it aims to provide the diagnostic and therapeutic information necessary for a junior pediatrician to manage a child safely and effectively.
It provides the junior doctor and trainee grade pediatrician with invaluable information on the diagnosis and management of illness in children, along with practical advice for the safe and effective management of the sick child. This latest update is based on the 14th edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates!
Key Features
Intended for pre-registration house officers, SHOs and SpRs in Paediatrics, and GPs in training
Enhanced by the inclusion of a helpful ''Glossary of terms''
Covers immediate management of common emergencies and paediatric conditions supplemented with useful background information
Provides evidence-based treatment guidelines and information on conditions not always covered by local departmental protocols
Includes useful pediatric formulary based upon Medicines for Children for rapid reference
Contains five sections: acute paediatrics, outpatient and specialty paediatrics, prescribing, information and normal values, and a dictionary of eponymous syndromes and diseases
All of the paediatric emergency information is in the section on acute paediatric problems, including both poisoning and head injury management (with resuscitation guidelines following the national Advanced Paediatric Life Support recommendations)
Section Outpatient and specialty paediatrics includes common problems such as the management of mild to moderate asthma, constipation, abdominal pain and headaches
The prescribing section includes essential information on the most commonly prescribed drugs, the class of drugs to which they belong, doses by age and weight, availability, and comments on the individual drugs
Includes information on oral sedation and on pain in children
Additionally, you''ll get valuable added features, available only from Skyscape:
New interactive flowchart: Complex algorithm and protocol are transformed from static images into dynamic step-by-step decision support tools. This innovative feature can quickly and easily walk you through even the most intricate decision models.
Built-in Medical Calculators: Provide instant access from within clinical topics to the
Apgar Score
Glasgow Coma Scale for Adults
Glasgow Coma Scale for Children
Sodium Deficit
Full Images: Vivid images that aid in diagnostic workup.
Table Viewer: All the richness of extensive tables, easily viewable on the compact screen of your mobile device.
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Supported operating systems:
RIM BlackBerry OS 2.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 3.x, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.1, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0
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