MOBILedit! Forensic mobile phones contain some of the most important evidence in criminal investigations. Law enforcement agencies around the world need every possible advantage to help solve crimes. In many instances, mobile phones contain the important incriminating evidence that legal investigators require to solve a case
Auto Loan Calculator PRO - Auto finance and car loan tips to help making car buying easier.
Auto Laon Calculator PRO will help you calculate your monthly auto loan payments or the total purchase price of your car.
Enter your current information and click on the “Calculate” button to get the results, you can also view your entire amortization schedule
CAUTION !!! USING THIS APP MIGHT GET YOU A GREAT NEW JOB.The BeyondSanDiego com Blackberry® application provides users with access to great local jobs from top San Diego Area employers and is powered by the world's largest network of niche career communities, Beyond com
CAUTION !!! USING THIS APP MIGHT GET YOU A GREAT NEW JOB.The AdministrativeJobs com Blackberry® application provides users with access to top-tier administrative and clerical career websites from the world's largest network of niche career communities
BreezyPrint is the fastest, easiest and best way to print any email or attachment from your BlackBerry® to any printer.With no IP address configuration, firewall hassles or Bluetooth pairing to worry about, BreezyPrint lets you get your documents printed quickly and get on with your life
Is the high price of gas driving you crazy? Want to save money and be good to the environment? This application gives you loads of ideas on just what you can do to improve your gas mileage and reduce your overall carbon footprint
BBCorrector - Free Spell Checker powered by Google
Note: This software is no longer supported by the developer.
BBCorrector is a Blackberry open source application available in sourceforge. Nextanza Inc. has created a mod or modification that uses Google's dictionaries which is available to 11 languages to do the spell checking
Scalar Numeric is a programmable environment for technical computing on BlackBerry® smartphones. It features an interactive command console that enables you to perform numerical computations anytime and anywhere
FireReady - Prepare. Act. Survive. How FireReady are you? FireReady is the official Country Fire Authority (CFA) BlackBerry application for bushfire information in Victoria. Download to assess your own FireReady status and to remain aware of incidents around you in real-time
Incident Report - This is a must have program! Change request are welcome! If you are in a different trade I am willing to modify to match your trade. Perhaps you are in law enforcment or a medical field such as a doctor or emergency staff, I can help you. The Incident Report will assist drivers, when a break down or Incident occurs on the road. 1