Headache Remedy from MobileReference - Acupressure Guide For Relieving Headaches and Migraines -RIM is often due to build-up of stress and tension. Acupressure is an effective way to relieve painful sensation associated these conditions. This guide by Aaron Stein, PhD, is based on over 5,000 years of Chinese practice of self-acupressure. FREE frontal region headache treatment in the trial version.
- Step-by-step guide to relieving headaches and migraines at 5 locations:
- In the frontal region of the head (frontal headache).
- In the back of the head (occipital headache).
- On the side of the head (temporal headache).
- On the top of the head (vertex headache).
- Pain in the eye (headache behind the eye).
- Every step explains point location, direction of force, and duration of massage.
- No previous experience necessary
- Total treatment duration 10 to 15 minutes.
How acupressure works:
Nobody knows how acupressure works. Very often pain is caused by a self-perpetuating mechanism: pain causes the mind to be attentive to pain, that, in turn cases more pain and even more attention, and so on.
Most likely acupressure works by interrupting this vicious circle. How does acupressure interrupt the cycle? Stimulation of active points is thought to lead to increased release of endorphins. Endorphin is a natural body painkiller. Endorphin and morphine are chemically different molecules but, by coincidence, they have very similar 3-dimensional shape. This similarity in shape allows morphine to bind the endorphin receptor and reduce pain.
Thus endorphin released by acupressure stimulation may lead to temporal reduction of mind’'''''s attention to pain, interruption of pain cycle, and following complete cessation of pain.
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5. Alternative: You can download the Free MobiPocket Reader directly to your handheld from http://www.mobipocket.com/en/DownloadSoft/DownloadLinuxStep1.asp
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