An outstanding Italian- English- Italian dictionary developed by one of Italy's foremost publishers- Paravia and Oxford University Press. This dictionary provides contemporary, up-to-the-minute coverage of Italian and English vocabulary and is the most authoritative Italian dictionary of its size
Combining the authority of the Oxford-Duden German Dictionary with the convenience of the Palm handheld and quick-access layout, this easy-to-use dictionary is the ideal reference tool for all those requiring quick and reliable answers to their translation questions
Teil 1: Deutsch-Englisch
Ausführliches Nachschlagen mit vielen Extras
Umfassend und hochaktuell - der ideale Begleiter zu jeder Gelegenheit.
Neubearbeitung 2005 , erweitert um 5.000 Wörter pro
Rund 65
Hochaktuelle Stichwortauswahl, dazu Wortzusammensetzungen, wichtige Redewendungen und Konstruktionen speziell auf die Bedürfnisse fortgeschrittener Deutschlerner abgestimmt
Leicht verständliche Erklärungen, hoher Zusatznutzen
Rund 77
MSDict Professional Dictionary Bundle is a software suite of five English dictionaries and includes over 170,000 words and definitions. The bundle offers an extensive English dictionary, thesaurus, phrases and idioms, and grammar assistance
The MSDict English Phrases Dictionary includes variety of phrases, collocations and common idioms. The database provides 11,107 definitions and over 9,800 phrases. The phrases included in this dictionary are chosen among most commonly used American and British English collocations, phrases and common sayings
The English-Spanish Phrases Dictionary is a rich bilingual dictionary database including variety of English phrases, collocations and common idioms. The database includes 32,000 phrase definitions, which cover a wide range of area of experiance
The MSDict English-Spanish Pro Dictionary contains over 38,000 entries in 19,800 word definitions everyday English vocabulary. The dictionary is a wonderful bilingual reference tool for beginner and intermediate level learners as well as Spanish speaking travellers