BEIKS English Irregular Verbs in German Dictionary for Palm OS - This is a FREE German irregular verbs dictionary. It offers quick reference of 170 irregular German verbs. Search by infinitive and get:
BEIKS English-Hungarian Dictionary for Palm OS BEIKS English-Hungarian Dictionary for Palm OS - The comprehensive and carefully selected English to Hungarian Dictionary, is an excellent choice for English travelers in Hungary and of course for students. The full version of the lexicon has over 25,000 entries
BEIKS English-Japanese Dictionary for BlackBerry BEIKS English-Japanese Dictionary for BlackBerry -The comprehensive and carefully selected English to Japanese Dictionary for RIM's BlackBerry, is designed to cover the needs of the English speaker challenged with colloquial Japanese in the field
BEIKS Hungarian-English Dictionary for Palm OS BEIKS Hungarian-English Dictionary for Palm OS - The extensive and carefully selected Hungarian to English Dictionary, is an excellent choice for Hungarian travelers visiting an English Speaking country and of course for students. The full version of the lexicon has over 49, 000 entries
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The Medical Dictionary for Android, contains easy-to-understand explanations of over 38,000 medical terms
BEIKS English-Ukrainian Dictionary for BlackBerry BEIKS English-Ukrainian Dictionary for BlackBerry-The comprehensive and carefully selected English to Ukrainian Dictionary for RIM's BlackBerry, is designed to cover the needs of the English speaker challenged with colloquial Ukrainian in the field
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