Even Or OddAndroidVersion: 0.8.3 updated Upload date: 17 Nov 11 Tags: Games
Even Or Odd - Guess whether the sum of all fingers will be either an even or an odd number.
You have a 50/50 chance at victory.
Are you ready to take on those odds? Choose whether you are the designated, Even or Odd player.
Select a hand showing zero to five fingers. The opponent (the computer) will then reveal its hand
You're So IT - You''re so IT? is a fun game that measures how socially active you are with other people compared to other people in your area. By collecting people you interact with on a daily basis, players of the game can be rated against each other and the people they spend time with to measure their popularity
SuperEnalottoAndroidVersion: 1.2 updated Upload date: 15 Jun 12 Tags: Games
Charades Game - A job, movie, person or thing will come up on the screen and you have to act it out. Once a friend has guessed what it said on the screen. He will take a turn and get a new object or person
Random Numbers Free - An application to help you generate random numbers quickly and easily - awesome for picking a winner from a list or generating your next winning lottery number.
Random Numbers Free features:
· Set your own lower and upper limits
Star Rock Paper Scissors Free (Android) - Get Star Rock Paper Scissors and join Star Arcade - the number one Social Mobile Gaming Community!
The objective of the game is to win a five-round Rock Paper Scissors match by selecting a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. The gestures are resolved: rock defeats scissors, scissors defeats paper, paper defeats rock
Truth Or Dare!! 14+ - This is a game with crazy and fun truths or dares. It has cool dares and also ones that are not that bad best of all its free! Bring it to your next party with your friends
Zombie Watchdog - We are as concerned as you are about the possibility of the advent of the zombie apocalypse. And we want to make sure it doesn't blindside us. Zombie Watchdog is scouring the internet for signs of it beginning..
Click, Link, Compete - Click, Link, Compete aims to make multiplayer gaming simple on Android.
See website for details.
Note: This library comes with a head-to-head air hockey game as a demo app
Truths Or Dares - I dare you to download this app. This version of Truth or Dare is awesome. To play, open the app and ask someone truth or dare. View until you get a truth/dare option that you like. Just how good are you with games? Play with each other and have fun together