LockPattern OnOff is a simple widget (1×1) for Android, which allows you quickly activate a lock pattern of screen.
If you do not setup lock pattern before, widget will show message about it. Second click on widget will activate empty lock pattern, please setup lock pattern in System Settings -> Security & location -> Set unlock pattern
Screen ON Widget - An Android widget that keeps the screen on by preventing it from turning off. Click on the widget to activate and click again to deactivate. A notification is also posted while it runs. You can also click on the notification to deactivate
LCDDensity for Root - Application for changing LCD density settings on your Android phone almost on the fly. Smaller number means larger resolution.
Changes will not survive reboot (so if you have wrong settings, pull out battery or restart device and you are back to old settings)
OI Color Picker - Android Business Professional Ringtones by ExecTones
This is an extension for OI Flashlight and other compatible applications that lets you pick a color.
To modify the color, touch the color wheel or one of the brightness or saturation bars.
If you like the color, press the central color disc to select your color
Blinking Flashlight - Simple flashlight when you need it - automatically sets brightness to max and lights up your screen to the maximum.
But you can also set it to blinking mode w/ glowing/pulsating colors, strobo mode for ultimate impact and sensors mode, which reacts to your movement
LCD Density Changer - A little app to play with the LCD Density Settings. It lets you set the LCD Density Setting without editing the build.prop file (directly).
Be aware that the tweak only will work with launchers like LauncherPro. It doesn't work with Samsung's own TouchWizardLauncher
AdjBrightness - Adjust screen brightness for *rooted* Android devices. Set the value from 2 ~ 255 just as you like. Auto restore brightness after screen on. Also can lock the brightness