DrinkControl helps you to track expenses on alcoholic drinks and converts your take-in quantities, such as glasses, bottles or cans, into the units of alcohol and lets you know if you are approaching moderate drinking limits
Uber eats - fast delivery of food from the nearest restaurants. You will be surprised by the delivery speed, besides, you can track your order status and location of a carrier through this application. And of course, this program cooperates with millions of facilities from across the world
Food Network - is an all-in-one cooking assistant. With this application you will find the needed recipe, select among thousand others or just get inspiration for cooking. Moreover, the utility offers fast and handy recipe search
Yummly - is the best cooking application for preparing food. This utility offers millions of recipes from the best websites and blogs of famous chefs. Besides, you can customize the application to your liking: keep to a diet, take into account your preferences and so on
SuperFood - is an application with a variety of tasty and healthy cooking recipes. Here you can choose a certain cuisine of the world or choose the offered recipes of the day. Besides, you can control your diet with the help of calory calculator and personal diary
Saltea - make your recipes and share them with your friends. Save ingredients for making your favorite dishes and the application will automatically make a shopping list for the selected recipe
Fooducate - is the only application, which scans and sorts food products on the basis of their ingredients. With this application you can get nutrition recommendations, loose weigh and keep to the needed weigh
Zomato - is an application for finding cafes and restaurants. This utility will help you select a restaurant or to order food to go. Moreover, here you will get prices and pictures of restaurants. You can always use a map for handy search for a cafe
Book of Mushrooms - is an unexpendable assistant for those who like silent hunt. It contains information about different parameters of a mushroom, places it grows, time of gathering, data on eatability as well as lots of other useful information