OctroVideo (Pocket PC) - OctroVideo. Stream video directly from your mobile phone. This product keeps you connected with your friends/family whenever, wherever. Anybody with a web browser can view what you are streaming. Call using OctroTalk or regular cell phone to convert it into a Video Conference. Multiple options to stream video over GPRS/CDMA/3G/WiFi connections
TwitvidUploader allows you to select a video file on your PocketPC (up to 2gb) and uploads the video to the Twitvid.com website and creates a tweet on Twitter.com. Select the video file and enter the text for the tweet (max 120 characters) and the video will be uploaded with a tweet. This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitvidArchiver allows you to select a video file on your PocketPC (up to 2gb) and uploads the video to the Twitvid.com website with Twitter.com tweet and *deletes the file*. Select the video file and enter the text for the tweet (max 120 characters) and the video will be uploaded with a tweet. This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitvidCamera allows you to upload and share videos from your PocketPC camera in real time on the TwitVid.com website. When a new video is detected in the cameras folder the program will upload the video to the Twitvid.com website and create a log in the logs folder. This service is provided by Twitvid
PodcastsVideoed connects you to VideoPodcasts.tv. This is a desktop site that has a search engine for video podcasts. You can use this website when you want to add podcast URLs into your Podcast tuner. This service is provided by Videopodcasts
SearchesGoogle allows you to create, manage and share via bluetooth '.SRC' search files that you can tap to do searches on the Google.com search engine. You can also set the main server eg. Google. It in the settings box. Tap on the '.SRC' file to search Google.com. This service is provided by Google
PodcastsSearcherer connects you to PodcastAlley.com. This is a desktop site that has a search engine for podcasts. You can use this website when you want to add podcast URLs into your Podcast tuner. This service is provided by PodcastAlley
TwitvidOffloader allows you to upload+delete and share videos from your PocketPC camera in real time on the TwitVid.com website. When a new video is detected in the cameras folder the program will upload the video to the Twitvid.com website and deletes the local file (if successful). This service is provided by Twitvid