Automation Tool - Wing is our designed conception. Based on the user's convenience is our develop direction. Friendly user interface and easy operation make user fly in the windows mobile system with the WING. Automation Tool is a set of automatic test tools that used for Windows Mobile Pocket PC. User can install in PC side to remote contorl and test your device. This is a powerful tool for test engineer to execute some tests automatically, then come out an detailed test report. It includes two major parts: WingAntBasic and Remote Playback; 1.WingAntBasic simulates a emulator, you can use it to synchronize the Pocket PC and remotely control it with mouse. Each step of your operations would be recorded and saved into script file. WingAntBasic also supports following import functions: a.Edit script: User can input some specified commands that defined in Automation Tool into script, for convenience, you can cut, copy, paste ,drag command region to edit script. b.Pre-test: For evaluate the correction of the script, you can use Pre-test to do a simple preview. 2.Remote Playback: With the script file that created by WinAntBasic, user can reproduce the operations of it and set iteration time. After finished playback, You can get test report and detail log.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Similar Software:
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What's New in This Release:
· v1.1f New icon, now correctly displayed on ppc2000 & ppc2002 devices
· v1.1e Flipscreen calculation bug fixed
· v1.1d Now supports @migo and h5450
· v1
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GLBenchmark Pro ES 1.0 and 1.1
Complex T-Rex fight gaming scene
Powerful real-time rendering techniques like shadows, particles, skinning, etc
OpenGL ES 1
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Wing Weather (WVGA) Wing Weather (WVGA) - Wing is our designed conception. Based on the user''s convenience is our develop direction. Friendly user interface and easy operation make user fly in the windows mobile system with the WING. Weather is an application from which you can get weather forecast on mobile phone. It could show weekly weather information of cities
Wing Home (WVGA) (Portrait) Wing is our designed conception. Based on the user''''s convenience is our develop direction. Friendly user interface and easy operation make user fly in the windows mobile system with the WING. Home is a program, which could instaed of system default home, user could add shortcut or widget to use and could set Home background picture
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