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Achivx Partner

Version: 3.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Organisation & Productivity

Upload date: 13 Jul 10

Developer: APSoft Systems

License: Shareware

Price: 14.99 $

Downloads: 323

File Size: 157 Kb

Download Free Trial of apMemo 

Rating: 2.1/5 (Total votes: 7)


apMemo is an amazingly handy, quick, small, and easy to use graphic memo pad with well thought-out interface!

  • Jot down your note, and set an alarm with just a couple of taps. Extremely simple and quick!
  • Choose your favourite pen size, and the color you like for the pen and background.
  • Use a D-pad or a scroll wheel on your device to browse through the memos.
  • Open a thumbnail view to quickly switch to another memo.
  • Map a hardware button to apMemo, and in just one second you'll be ready to take a note! Press the button to open the program, then press it once again to create a new memo.

apMemo is the simplest and fastest way to create quick memos and reminders!

apMemo 3.0 Features
  • New! Memo thumbnail view
  • New! Improved alarm pop-up displaying your memo
  • New! Vibra, repeat, and auto-snooze options for the alarm
  • New! Better VGA, WVGA, and square screen support
  • New! A lot of interface enhancements and stability fixes
  • Export to bitmap
  • Visual choice of pen size and color
  • Customizable default background color with optional grid
  • Windows application to view apMemo notes on a desktop
  • Notes are stored in a compressed format - just about 4KB per a note
  • Unlimited number of notes
  • Notes are saved automatically to avoid data loss
  • ...and more! Check the website at for complete description.
Updated on May 5, 2010:
  • Undo command added.
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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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