Video Cassette tracker for HanDBase - A simple video-cassette recording manager. What's on which cassette? Minimal data for experiencing.
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Requirements:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
Supported operating systems:
Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, Pocket PC 2002, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0, S60 1st Edition, S60 2nd Edition, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
DirectionMaps DirectionMaps - This program program allows you to enter a list of locations and 'draw' the maps for them. You can search on the main page and tap the button to view/edit the map.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
Itinerary for HanDBase Itinerary for HanDBase - Keeps track of travel itinerary, including flights, hotels, rental cars. Linked DBs include relevant info on companies, including phone nos. Note fields for airports to record things like "Where's the Starbucks?". Fields for freq. flier nos, membership nos, etc
EffiProz Database for Windows Mobile EffiProz-CF is a 100% managed code embedded database for Windows Mobile.
· Written in C#
· In-Memory and Persistent databases
The Bat Shortcuts for HanDBase The Bat Shortcuts for HanDBase - An easy to use reference sheet for The Bat! Mail client's short-cut keys. Quick access to sections within The Bat! are pre-defined as Views. Just load the database and select a View that matches what you are currently doing and help is there
Other Software by developer «Michel Roy»:
Wine Cellar for HanDBase Wine Cellar for HanDBase - Keep track of wine bottles & their $ value, location, tasting appreciation, who with, when.Has minimal data for evaluation purpose which would be deleted to accomodate your data
PunchCard Calc for HanDBase PunchCard Calc for HanDBase - Keep track of employer record, punch card ins/outs and calculate weekly hours and gross pay (reg. & overtime). Total hours field in PC-week has to be entered manually after entering the daily ins/outs. You should enter daily data in chronological order to maintain consistency with cumulative total hours
Rental Property Management for HanDBase Rental Property Management for HanDBase - Manages your rental properties with three files (Building, Units and payments). Store lease information and collection of rent status. Minimal data for testing. Easy to operate. Lots of information at the tap of a pen
Book Quotes for HanDBase Book Quotes for HanDBase - A book and quotation tracker. Keep track of books & authors that you have read. Enter Subject & personal review and date read. The book file is also used as a Popup database for the Quotation file which as two categories.Minimal data is entered for testing purpose
Horodater for HanDBase Horodater for HanDBase - A simple time calculator for professionals who charge time to their customers. Keeps track of Charge to, Project, start time and End time. It calculated the duration between start & end times.Data included is to familiarize yourself to the workings