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Nutrition Quick Study Guide

Nutrition Quick Study Guide
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Symbian OS, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ

Categories: Entertainment, Healthcare & Medicine

Upload date: 15 Dec 10

Developer: MobileReference

License: Shareware

Price: 34.99 $

Downloads: 602

File Size: 189 Kb

Download Free Trial of Nutrition Quick Study Guide 

Rating: 2.8/5 (Total votes: 12)

  Nutrition Quick Study Guide- Boost Your grades with this illustrated quick-study guide. You will use it from an undergraduate school all the way to medical school. FREE first 2 chapters in the trial version.


Intended for everyone interested in nutrition, particularly undergraduate and graduate life science students, medical students, nursing, and dental students.


  • Detailed description of classes on nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
  • Description of essential fatty acids and amino acids
  • Detailed description of vitamins and minerals.
  • Anatomical diagrams
  • Guidelines for nutrient consumption
  • BMI, Body fat, and BMR calculations
  • Diets and exercise
  • Search for the words or phrases
  • i>
  • Use your down-time to prepare for an exam.
  • Automatic synchronization between the handheld and the desktop PC. You could read half of the book on the handheld, then finish reading on the desktop. Annotations and drawings are also synchronized.

Table of Contents

Nutrition: History | Nutrients | Amino acids | Vitamins | Fatty acids | Sugars | Intestinal bacterial flora | Phytochemicals | Longevity | Heart disease | Industry

Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides | Sugar | Disaccharide | Oligosaccharide | Polysaccharide | Starch | Glycogen | Gluconeogenesis

Lipids (fats): Fatty Acids | Fatty Acid Degradation | Fatty Acid Synthesis | Triglyceride | Waxes | Phospholipids | Cholesterol | Essential fatty acids
Chylomicron | HDL | LDL | IDL | VLDL | Lp(a)
Types of Fat in Food:
Saturated fat | Unsaturated fat: Monounsaturated fat | Polyunsaturated fat | Trans fats

Proteins: Amino acid | Peptide | Primary structure | Secondary structure | Tertiary structure | Protein folding | Protein Degradation | List of Standard Amino Acids | Essential amino acids

Essential nutrients: Vitamins | Minerals | Essential fatty acids | Essential amino acids

Vitamins: History | Human vitamins | Nutrition | Deficiencies | Overdose | Supplements | Nomenclature | Phytochemicals
Water soluble: Thiamin (B1) | Riboflavin (B2) | Niacin (B3) | Pantothenic acid (B5) | Pyridoxine (B6) | Biotin (B7 or H) | Folic acid (B9) | Cyanocobalamin (B12) | Choline | Ascorbic acid (C)
Fat soluble:
Retinoids (A) | Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol (D) | Tocopherol (E) | Naphthoquinone (K)

Minerals: Bulk | Trace | Food sources

Guidelines for Nutrient Consumption: Calorie | Traditional Food Pyramid | MyPyramid | Serving size | Reference Daily Intake | Dietary Reference Intake | Food labeling | Nutritional Facts Panel

Body Weight: BMI | Body fat percentage | Basal metabolic rate | Obesity

Appetite: Regulation | Effector | Sensor | Role in disease | Pharmacology | Appetite suppressant

Dieting: Types | History | Thermoregulation | Exercise | Fat loss versus muscle loss | Energy obtained from food | Proper nutrition | How the body gets rid of fat | Psychological aspects | Weight loss groups

Popular diets: Low-fat | Atkins (low-carbohydrate) | Natural | Vegetarian | Very Low Calorie
Dangers: Diet pills | Yo-yo dieting | Dangers of fasting | Side effects
Veganism: Definition | Motivations | Cuisine | Health effects
Vegetarianism: Terminology | Diet | History | Motivations | Health effects | Demographics | Nutrition

Exercise: Benefits | Common myths | Targeted fat reduction | Muscle and fat tissue | Abdominal muscles | Excessive exercise | Activities | Categories | Breathing

Food allergy: Signs and symptoms | Eczema | The Big Eight | Diagnosis | Pathophysiology | Causes | Treatment | Statistics | Differing views | In children | Labeling laws

Digestive System Anatomy: Mouth | Pharynx | Esophagus | Stomach | Pancreas | Gallbladder | Liver | Small intestine | Duodenum | Jejunum | Ileum | Colon (large intestine) | Rectum | Anus

Digestion Physiology: Oral cavity | Stomach | Small intestine | Large intestine | Significance of pH | Hormones | Chemistry
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Requirements: Mobipocket Reader Symbian

Supported operating systems: S60 1st Edition, S60 2nd Edition, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, S80 6.0, S80 7.0, S90 7.0, UIQ 2.0, UIQ 3.0, UIQ 3.1
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