Pure writer - is a fast text editor developed taking into account "a good writing experience". This editor allows you to write any time and anywhere with no worry about content loss. Besides, this application differs with handy design which makes writing and reading more smooth
Typing test - is the application which will let you test the typing speed of your device. With the help of this utility you will see how fast you can type. This application can also improve the typing speed in your mobile device. Moreover, you can have a typing speed contest with your friends
Slack - an excellent application for the effective organization of teamwork in the office. Create a work room and add users. Distribute topics and assign participants to the discussion. Use the central knowledge base to keep track of the entire history of correspondence
UB Staffing - UB staffing is a motivated group of Professionals who are committed to delivering targeted training, recruitment & Consulting to various companies and individuals in the capacity to serve all levels of Management through a team of Professional trainers / facilitators Contribution being recognized by Corporate and Campus World
UB Consulting - UB Business Consulting is a leading brand building strategic business consulting firm specialized in incubating, managing and supporting the establishment of SME Industries, Corporate firms, Individuals, HUF’s & educational institutions in India & Abroad
English for job interview - You are a student, going to graduate soon and 'd like to prepare for job search ? You are employed, but 'd like to look for a better job in multinational companies? You 'd like to improve English language skills for advancement as well as opportunities in the future ? Congrats, this app is for you
Scrittor - is a simple way to save all your thoughts and ideas. It offers a rather handy and easy to use interface so you will never get mixed. Besides, the application has no needless functions: only adding of notes and category selection
Digital Marketing Trends - Change is constant in digital marketing. However, many social media managers feel changes are so rapid that the need to stay in the know can be overwhelming, and playing catch-up to all the trends is impossible
Online Marketing Trends - Digital marketing has over the last few years undergone a substantial transformation, becoming an increasingly important medium for creating an online brand experience