With the MTBC iRx application, you can always keep in constant contact with your pharmacy. MTBC iRx has made mobile e-prescribing easy for healthcare providers whether they are in the office, at the hospital, or even at home. In just a few seconds, providers can connect with pharmacies and improve their patients’ lives
Nerv'ometer is a fun application. You can make your friends have a big laugh using it.
Nerv'ometer measures your stress using the iPhone's accelerometer. To run the test just press the start button and hold still until the test ends. In a few seconds you will have the test results.
Compare tests at dinner with your friends to cheer up your night
Lexi-Comp Institutional Application
NOTE: This will contain NO CONTENT until the an access code is entered
PK4801RiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: Upload date: 6 Feb 11 Tags: Healthcare & Medicine
PK4801R Mobile Clinical Results is the mobile companion product to the PatientKeeper Physician Portal. To access data, your organization needs to be a licensed PatientKeeper customer.
· Review and manage an accurate, up-to-date Patient List.
· Access and trend Lab Results from hospital-based and community laboratories
DoctorFinder - You may need to see a Family Doctor to treat an upper respiratory tract infection, or your child may need to see a Pediatrician for a routine wellness check
AirStrip - Patient Monitoring is a robust remote patient monitoring solution for clinicians. AirStrip connects you to your patients anywhere you have a cellular or Wi-Fi connection. No matter where you are, AirStrip can greatly reduce and even eliminate time delay in the clinical assessment and treatment of patients
Swine Flu Scanner Free (Fingerprint Test) - Swine Flu Scanner Lite is the free version of Swine Flu Scanner. Have fun testing yourself, friends and family for Swine Flu!
Upgrade to the full version for doctor consultations, experimental cures, Facebook integration and more!
Obvious disclaimer:
Swine Flu Scanner Lite can not really diagnose swine flu
12 Step Meetings - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." -- The Serenity Prayer
12-Step is an easy-to-use, quick, and convenient way to find a 12-Step program near you
Massage Finder - Massage Mate is an easy-to use, quick, and convenient way to find a massage therapist near you. This is a free application, so be sure to check it out!
After a stressful day at work, a therapeutic and pampering massage can help you unwind and improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being
Doctor Finder - You may need to see a Family Doctor to treat an upper respiratory tract infection, or your child may need to see a Pediatrician for a routine wellness check