Notable Quotes - “A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool.” - Joseph Roux
Notable Quotes has a wide selection of quotes to choose from, with a variety of styles and tones in each subject, so there's sure to be something for everyone. Find it with just a swipe of a finger: the inspirational, humorous, comforting, provocative, insightful, and much more. Use Notable Quotes for great quotes to read, share on Facebook, share on Twitter, and share via email. Or, write your own!
· Quality Quotes - Hand-selected to ensure you have a great experience.
· Add Quotes - A "My Quotes" area for you to add your own quotes.
· Simple Design - Just swipe your finger to flip between quotes.
· Browse by Subject - View the list of quotes, grouped by subject.
· Browse by Author - View the list of quotes, grouped by author (alphabetically ordered by author's last name).
· Shuffle Quotes - View quotes, shuffled in random order.
· Favorites - Mark your favorite quotes, and they will be stored in a list for you.
· Themed Backgrounds - Subject-inspired backgrounds to enhance a quote's meaning.
· Keyword Search - Easily search through the quote database by entering the author's first or last name, or keywords in a quote.
· Sharing - Share a bit of humor or insight with someone by emailing a Notable Quote to a friend, posting a Notable Quote as your Facebook or Twitter status, or copying a Notable Quote to your clipboard for later use (to paste in a text message, for example).
· Backup & Restore - Remotely backup & restore quotes that you've added as well as quotes that you've marked as your favorites.
What's New in This Release:
· Bug fixes
What's New in 1.7:
· More quotes including new category Perseverance & Fortitude
· Option to email all your favorite quotes
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Apple iOS 10.x (iPad), Apple iOS 10.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 11.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 8.x (iPad), Apple iOS 8.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 8.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 9.x (iPad), Apple iOS 9.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 9.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x, Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.2.x (iPad)
Aristotle Quotes Pro Aristotle Quotes Pro - Users of our app can quickly and easily scroll through our list of quotes, and then click the generate button to have that selected quote display to the screen
City of Cezanne in Aix-en-Provence (Lite Version) City of Cezanne in Aix-en-Provence - As the hometown of post-Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne, Aix-en-Provence offers unique insight into his life and the influences that shaped him into one of the era's most significant artists. Through this biographical walking tour, discover the "City of Cézanne" through the life of its most famous resident
Aristotle Quotes 500 Aristotle Quotes 500 - Top Quotes by Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato, a man of wisdom and inspiration.
Aristotle wrote about physics, poetry, love, theater, music, rhetoric, government, ethics, philosophy, morality, logic, science & politics.
He will inspire you!
Simply SHAKE or TAP your iPhone or iPod to move to the next quote
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