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Heart Log (Rate bpm, Systolic and Diastolic) - Heart Failure is a chronic disease triggered by many possible reasons. Fortunately, because of recent research most diseases can now be controlled in different ways. In order to control it, individuals need to constantly check their lifestyle
Heart Log (Rate bpm, Systolic and Diastolic) - Heart Failure is a chronic disease triggered by many possible reasons. Fortunately, because of recent research most diseases can now be controlled in different ways. In order to control it, individuals need to constantly check their lifestyle
HiBiorhythm is the most advanced Biorhythm utility on the iPhone and iPod touch.
HiBiorhythm helps you make decisions and forecasts on your every-day life by applying biorhythm calculations based on your birthdate and key factors including your physical, intellectual, intuitional and also emotional well being
HMSMobile Swine Flu Center - This Swine Flu Application tells you how you can reduce your risk of contracting H1N1 any time, and anywhere through your iPhone.
This Application has videos, animations and text that allow you to learn the basics about swine flu, learn how to reduce the risk to you and your family, and learn how to prepare your business for the pandemic
I'm pregnant - Essential application with great organizer for every pregnant woman!
Essential, BASIC, information for every future mother. The contents have been prepared and consulted with doctors and nurses basing.
The application includes:
Your organizer, where you can memorize your visit dates and medicine administration
I.V. Drug Handbook - Administer I.V. medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently! Because there is no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook. Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering and monitoring I.V. drugs, the Handbook delivers concise, practical guidance to help you carry out one of the most difficult tasks you face
I.V. Drug Handbook (iPhone/iPad) - Administer I.V. medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently! Because there is no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook. Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering and monitoring I.V. drugs, the Handbook delivers concise, practical guidance to help you carry out one of the most difficult tasks you face
I.V. Drug Handbook (iPhone/iPad) 5.0.1 - Administer I.V. medications knowledgeably, safely and confidently! Because there is no room for error, turn to McGraw-Hill's I.V. Drug Handbook. Featuring a strong focus on patient safety, administering and monitoring I.V