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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.3

Platforms: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OS

Categories: Business & Profession

Upload date: 29 Nov 11

Developer: MCI Consultants

License: Commercial

Price: 0.99 $

Downloads: 55

Download Trial of iForex 

Rating: 1.8/5 (Total votes: 4)

  iForex streams live Yield-X listed Currency Futures data to your iPhone (from the JSE). Currently listed instruments include R/$, R/€, R/GBP and R/AUD. This application includes Last Traded Price, Actual and % Move, Previous MTM, and other instrument specific data including customizable graphs! Please note that the data is only updated while the market is open (Weekdays from 9:00 - 17:00, GMT+2:00 - excl. public holidays).

What's New in This Release:

· Yen Price Feeds!

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Supported operating systems: Apple iOS 10.x (iPad), Apple iOS 10.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 11.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 8.x (iPad), Apple iOS 8.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 8.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 9.x (iPad), Apple iOS 9.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 9.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x, Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.2.x (iPad)
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