Some of the most popular wallpaper images in the world
Cut the RopeiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 1.6 updated Upload date: 29 Dec 11 Tags: Games
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Cut the Rope - a mysterious package has arrived, and the creature inside has only one request…CANDY! Help get the candy to Om Nom, the adorable monster, in this highly innovative and addictive puzzle game
Lie To Me - Did you know that in average a person lies 3 times during 10 minutes of conversation?
Can you always tell what is lie and what is truth?
Actually it is very difficult to hide a deceit. Common micro expressions and micro gestures always give a liar away, and it has nothing to do with his social status or nationality
BeatMaker 2: the most advanced mobile music workstation.
Combining music production tools that made the success of countless artists, BeatMaker 2 brings a powerful and easy-to-use composition interface for amateurs and professionals alike.
Build your own virtual home-studio creating multiple instruments, connecting them to a full-range of audio effects
Battery HD+ for iPhone/iPad - Battery HD+ is a simple and beautiful battery monitor for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. The app lets you know how much time you have left for various activities, including listening to music, watching video, talking on the phone, browsing the internet via WiFi / Edge / 3G, playing 2D and 3D games, navigating using GPS, reading books, and more
Smash the ants with your finger in this HIGHLY ADDICTIVE game!
Dungeon Hunter 3iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 1.2.1 updated Upload date: 8 Sep 12 Tags: Games
Dungeon Hunter 3 - Evil has once again flooded over the sacred land of Gothicus. Face your destiny and enter the endless waltz of battle, victory and glory. 16 massive arenas are waiting for you now