12 Step Meetings - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." -- The Serenity Prayer
12-Step is an easy-to-use, quick, and convenient way to find a 12-Step program near you
Phobias 500 - What makes your heart pound, hands tremble and spine tingle with terror?
Do you have autophobia (fear of being alone), mysophobia (fear of germs), or dentophobia (fear of dentists)? You are certainly not alone
NutritionTips contains a rich collection of 500+ interesting and useful nutrition tips and nutritional health facts -- concisely written for quick and easy review. This is a free application, so be sure to check it out!
NutritionTips is referenced from the trusted and highly regarded Nutrition.gov, USDA
Psych Drugs - Want to learn about psychotropic medications quickly and easily? Then check out this free application!
With Psych Drugs, you can learn important and useful information about various psychotropic medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety medications
Doctor Finder - You may need to see a Family Doctor to treat an upper respiratory tract infection, or your child may need to see a Pediatrician for a routine wellness check
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar (iPhone) - Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar predicts and tracks your fertility cycle. The menstrual calendar calculates period, fertile and ovulation days.
You can enter notes and participate in the Ladytimer discussion boards. The period calendar info can be saved online and imported to any new phones when needed
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar Free (iPhone) tracks and predicts menstrual cycle days based on the woman's last period date.
You can enter notes for any day and participate in the Ladytimer discussion boards. Your fertility calendar info can be saved online and imported to new phones when needed, so that you never loose your data when switching phones
Fitness Tips - Welcome to Fitness Tips, where you can find the top 500 tips on Diet, Exercise & Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio, Strength-Training, Toning Exercises, Healthy Snack Ideas, Good Nutrition, Aerobics, Motivation, Weight Lifting, Fitness Equipment, Healthy Eating, Safety, Healthy Living, and General Health, Fitness and Workouts