Wattpad - Also known as YouTube for ebooks, Wattpad is the world's most popular ebook community where readers and writers discover, share and connect. Wattpad gives you access to over 100,000 free novels, fan fiction, short stories, poetry and more
Kobo (iPhone)iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 7.3 updated Upload date: 17 Aug 14 Tags: Reading
Kobo (iPhone) is the digital destination to experience your next great read on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Create your own digital library - choosing from tens of thousands of ebooks - and read on the go!
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Clash of the Titans: Exclusive prequel comic - Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. present the exclusive prequel comic for the epic film CLASH OF THE TITANS. A vividly designed and graphically intense comic, readers will see how the Kraken came to be formed from the blood of Hades and set loose upon the city of the Titans, setting the stage for the rise of Perseus
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Taros, the jealous brother of Atreus’s rightful king, has overthrown the country and launched an aggressive campaign across the galaxy
ShakespeareiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 3.3 updated Upload date: 29 Jun 13 Tags: Reading
Shakespeare is a cooperative project between Readdle and PlayShakespeare.com, the free Shakespeare application puts the complete works of William Shakespeare literally at your fingertips
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Marvel ComicsiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 3.1.5 updated Upload date: 13 Nov 12 Tags: Reading
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