SlovoEd Deluxe Czech-French & French-Czech dictionary includes the most full and detailed translation articles with usage samples, synonyms and antonyms, references and other important information
SlovoEd Compact French-Spanish & Spanish-French Dictionary (iPhone/iPad) includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading.
The dictionary database is powered by Smartlink and contains 66711 entries.
· Audio pronunciations made by native speakers
SlovoEd Compact German-Italian & Italian-German Dictionary (iPhone/iPad) - SlovoEd Compact Italian-German & German-Italian dictionary includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading.
The dictionary database is powered by Dario De Judicibus and contains 35573 entries
SlovoEd Compact English-Italian & Italian-English Dictionary (iPhone/iPad) includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading.
The dictionary database is powered by Ula and contains 56454 entries.
· Audio pronunciations made by native speakers
SlovoEd Compact English-Swedish & Swedish-English Dictionary (iPhone/iPad) includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading.
The dictionary database is powered by Peter Bondesson and contains 51880 entries.
· Audio pronunciations made by English native speakers
French-German Translation Dictionary and Verbs - The French-German Translation Dictionary by Ultralingua for iPhone and iPod touch is a collegiate-level dictionary and verb book for students and travelers, offering thousands of entries, plus slang, technical vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, etc
French-Italian Translation Dictionary and Verbs - The French-Italian Translation Dictionary by Ultralingua for iPhone and iPod touch is a collegiate-level dictionary and verb book for students and travelers, offering thousands of entries, plus slang, technical vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, etc
Spanish-Portuguese Translation Dictionary and Verbs - The Spanish-Portuguese Translation Dictionary by Ultralingua for iPhone and iPod touch is a collegiate-level dictionary and verb book for students and travelers, offering thousands of entries, plus slang, technical vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, etc
French-English Medical Translation Dictionary - The French-English Medical Translation Dictionary by Ultralingua for iPhone and iPod touch is a collegiate-level dictionary and verb book for students and medical professionals. It offers thousands of French and English entries, including a robust lexicon of French and English medical terminology