123 French English - Francais Anglais includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of English language. It contains questions, answers, words and phrases, which allow communicating in standard situations associated with travel and living abroad and may be used as language basics aids as well as in some standard, specific situations
123 French English - Francais Anglais - 123 French English - Francais Anglais includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of English language
123 French German - Francais Allemand includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of German language. It contains questions, answers, words and phrases, which allow communicating in standard situations associated with travel and living abroad and may be used as language basics aids as well as in some standard, specific situations
123 French Spanish - Francais Espagnol includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of Spanish language. It contains questions, answers, words and phrases, which allow communicating in standard situations associated with travel and living abroad and may be used as language basics aids as well as in some standard, specific situations
123 French Spanish - Francais Espagnol includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of Spanish language. It contains questions, answers, words and phrases, which allow communicating in standard situations associated with travel and living abroad and may be used as language basics aids as well as in some standard, specific situations
123 Hablamos Aleman - Spanish German Audio Phrasebook - Everyday German includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of German language
123 Hablamos Frances - Spanish French Audio Phrasebook - Everyday French includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of French language
123 Hablamos Ingles - Spanish English Audio Phrasebook - Everyday English includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of English language
123 Hablamos Polaco - Spanish Polish Audio Phrasebook - Everyday Polish includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of Polish language
123 Je parle allemand - French German Audio Phrasebook - 123 French German - Francais Allemand includes a phrase book for people willing to learn the basics of German language