DoctorFinder - You may need to see a Family Doctor to treat an upper respiratory tract infection, or your child may need to see a Pediatrician for a routine wellness check.
DoctorFinder quickly identifies your location and lets you choose the nearest doctor from various medical specialties such as Dermatology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Gynecology, etc...
When you select a listing, you can see the doctor's exact location on the map, his or her office address, telephone number, and the distance from where you are. You can call the doctor's office directly by tapping on the phone icon.
DoctorFinder also allows you to quickly locate the nearest Hospital, Urgent Care Clinic, or Pharmacy.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have an iPod touch, keep in mind that it does not have a built-in GPS; therefore, it cannot locate your position accurately.
What's New in This Release:
· New and improved user interface.
· Added option to navigate to doctor using Maps.
· Added option to email doctor details.
· Added option to SMS doctor details for iPhones running iOS 4.0 or later.
· High resolution graphics for iPhone4.
Like it? Share with your friends!
If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Apple iOS 10.x (iPad), Apple iOS 10.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 11.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 8.x (iPad), Apple iOS 8.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 8.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 9.x (iPad), Apple iOS 9.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 9.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x, Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.2.x (iPad)
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