Lungs & Breathing - During a normal day, you breathe nearly 25,000 times. When you breathe, your lungs take in oxygen from the air and deliver it to the bloodstream. The cells in your body need oxygen to work and grow.
People with lung disease have difficulty breathing. Millions of people in the U.S. have lung disease
Mental Illness is how we think, feel and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Everyone feels worried, anxious, sad or stressed sometimes
Pregnancy Health - So you're going to have a baby! Whether you are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant, you will want to give your baby a healthy start.
Pregnancy Health Guide is a great application that discusses the most important topics in pregnancy health
Medical Symptoms - A symptom is a departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease or abnormality.
Symptoms may be chronic, relapsing or remitting. They also may progressively worsen or progressively become better.
This is a great application that discusses the most important health symptoms
My Weight Loss Coach - My Weight Loss Coach for iPhone and iPod touch supports you and tracks your progress and achievements by improving your energy balance. Developed in conjunction with a nutritionist, it helps you take control of your weight efficiently and feel better.
* Personal Profile: create your personal profile and evaluate your improvement potential
Bones, Joints & Muscles - Your bones help you move, give you shape and support your body. They are living tissues that rebuild constantly throughout your life.
A joint is where two or more bones come together, like the knee, hip, elbow or shoulder. Joints can be damaged by many types of injuries or diseases.
Your muscles help you move and help your body work
EMS Pocket Drug Guide - This is the first EMS pocket drug guide that contains the detailed information typically found only in much larger reference books. EMS Pocket Drug Guide is a true must-have for any level EMS provider from basic to advanced. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, it should always be with you for quick, reliable reference in the field
I'm pregnant - Essential application with great organizer for every pregnant woman!
Essential, BASIC, information for every future mother. The contents have been prepared and consulted with doctors and nurses basing.
The application includes:
Your organizer, where you can memorize your visit dates and medicine administration
Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide 2012 (iPhone/iPad) - Specifically geared towards patient-care, this instant-access guide provides registered nurses with essential, up-to-the-minute information on the selection and administration of 1,000 commonly used medications