groupText - powered by textPlus - ORGANIZE, MANAGE & MESSAGE your social & work group communications more efficiently. Tired of missed meetups because no one checks email or voicemail anymore? groupText is the ONLY application that lets you CREATE a group, SAVE it by name and MESSAGE the entire group instantly with only 1 text message. Everyone sees ALL the replies and your group members can be on ANY phone.
-Texts are responded to faster than email or voicemail
-Reach up to 50 people immediately by sending just 1 text message
-Never miss an event or leave someone out
-You don't need a text plan to use groupText
It’s your turn to drive but you’re stuck at work...
BEFORE groupText, you'd...
-Send an email to everyone and hope they see it in time
-Call everyone one at a time and leave messages
-Wait for everyone to respond and then get back to everyone with the update
WITH groupText
-Send ONE text to the group – everyone sees every message and all of the replies
- Set up your groups by name in the app
- Invite friends to join (add and delete members at any time)
- Works with other groupText app users AND with any phone with a text plan - nobody's left out
- Send 1 text to the group name, everyone in the group receives the text at once. Everyone sees all the replies at the same time.
- Reply-all messages are just like a chat room in text
- Messages sent and received through groupText app are free* for you. Your friends who don’t have the app will be subject to their text plan standard rates. But they save money, too. When replying to the group, they're charged for just one text, GOGII pays for the rest.
Additional Features:
- Text through WiFi, 3G and Edge
- New message notifications - Push or Regular Text
- Sound notifications - 10 to choose from
- Get your friends on the groupText app - groups are more fun and it's free for all!
groupText is powered by textPlus. If you or any of your group members have the app textPlus, you will also be able to access your group from textPlus as well.
* Sending/receiving messages inside groupText is free. For US users NOT using Push Notifications (Apple's 3.0 OS required), standard message rates will apply ONLY when you choose to receive notifications via Regular Text Notifications to your phone (in Settings).
** For anyone NOT using groupText, standard message rates will apply just like normal texting. See list below for supported carriers.
*** Free when using WiFi; using groupText internationally without WiFi is subject to international data roaming charges.
Supported Carriers: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T- Mobile,Alltell, US Cellular, Virgin Mobile, Nextel, Boost, CellularOne,
Dobson, Cellular South, Cellcom. Metro PCS and Cricket are not yet supported.
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Apple iOS 10.x (iPad), Apple iOS 10.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 11.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPad), Apple iOS 12.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.0.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.2.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPad), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 4.3.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 5.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 6.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPad), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPhone), Apple iOS 7.0 (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 8.x (iPad), Apple iOS 8.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 8.x (iPod Touch), Apple iOS 9.x (iPad), Apple iOS 9.x (iPhone), Apple iOS 9.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 2.x, Apple iPhone OS 2.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x, Apple iPhone OS 3.1.x (iPod Touch), Apple iPhone OS 3.2.x (iPad)
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