Mouth & Teeth - Your mouth is one of the most important parts of your body. Any problem that affects your mouth can make it hard to eat, drink or even smile.
Your teeth are made of a hard, bonelike material. Inside the tooth are nerves and blood vessels. You need your teeth for many activities you may take for granted. These include eating, speaking and even smiling
Phobias 500 - What makes your heart pound, hands tremble and spine tingle with terror?
Do you have autophobia (fear of being alone), mysophobia (fear of germs), or dentophobia (fear of dentists)? You are certainly not alone
Pregnancy Health - So you're going to have a baby! Whether you are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant, you will want to give your baby a healthy start.
Pregnancy Health Guide is a great application that discusses the most important topics in pregnancy health
Surgery & Transplantation - Surgery: Every year more than 15 million people in the U.S. have surgery. There are many reasons to have surgery. Some operations can relieve or prevent pain. Others can reduce a symptom of a problem or improve a body function. Some surgeries are done to find a problem
Diagnosis & Therapy - In medicine, diagnosis is a label given for a medical condition or disease identified by its signs, symptoms, and from the results of various diagnostic procedures
Digestive Disorders - When you eat, your body breaks food down to a form it can use to build and nourish cells and provide energy. This process is called digestion.
Your digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube. It runs from your mouth to your anus and includes your esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines
Ear, Nose & Throat - Your ear has three main parts: outer, middle and inner. You use all of them in hearing. Sound waves come in through your outer ear. They reach your middle ear, where they make your eardrum vibrate.
Whether it's large or small, button-like or beak-like, your nose is important to your health
Brain & Nerves - The brain is the control center of the body. It controls thoughts, memory, speech and movement. It regulates the function of many organs. When the brain is healthy, it works quickly and automatically. However, when problems occur, the results can be devastating
CancersiPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 2.1.2 updated Upload date: 3 Oct 12 Tags: Science & Education
Cancers - Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Normally, your body forms new cells as you need them, replacing old cells that die. Sometimes this process goes wrong. New cells grow even when you don't need them, and old cells don't die when they should.
These extra cells can form a mass called a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant
Nurse's Drug Handbook (iPhone/iPad) - McGraw-Hill Nurse's Drug Handbook provides everything nurses must know to protect themselves and their patients when administering drugs. The Handbook delivers the evidence-base needed to safely administer more than 3,000 brand-name drugs and 1,000 generic drugs - along with important patient monitoring instructions specific to each drug