DDS GP Yes!iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple iPhone OSVersion: 5.0.17 updated Upload date: 28 Sep 13 Tags: Science & Education
Commercial 499.99 $
DDS GP Yes! - The original app, DDS GP, is the #1 iPad app for dentists worldwide. It is designed for dental professionals to improve your presentation of dental conditions and treatment to patients. It makes treatment plans easy for patients to understand, thus leading to greater case acceptance.
The newest app, DDS GP Yes!, consists of ALL of the content of DDS GP... PLUS
Bright Futures Guidelines Pocket Guide (iPhone) provides all the essentials in one easy reference. The Pocket Guide summarizes each visit - developmental observation, physical exam, medical screening, immunizations, and anticipatory guidance.
This Skyscape Trusted Resource is created in partnership with American Academy of Pediatrics. Editor Joseph F. Hagan Jr
DrDrugs (Drug Guide for Physicians) for iPhone - DrDrugs: Drug Guide for Physicians sets new standards for drug references by increasing its focus on safe practice and effective patient care. In addition to providing the most comprehensive drug resource, DrDrugs includes over 800 built in drug dosing calculation tools
Handbook of Signs and Symptoms (SignsSx) for iPhone is an authoritative reference that helps in recognizing patient signs and symptoms, linking them to their most probable causes, and putting them in context with associated findings.
This Skyscape Trusted Resource is created in partnership with Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Tabers21 (Taber's Dictionary) for iPhone - Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st Edition has been updated to meet the ongoing needs of health care students, educators, and clinicians, as well as interested consumers.
This Skyscape Trusted Resource is created in partnership with F. A. Davis Company. Authors: Donald Venes, M.D., M.S.J
Body Systems Anatomy Quiz - iPad edition - This app has been designed specifically for the iPad. It covers the Cardiovascular, Nervous, Urogenital and Digestive Systems and is an extremely useful tool for anyone interested in or studying anatomy. Identify 230 body parts with two different levels of questions
Digestive System - iPad edition - This application has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge
Nervous System - iPad edition - This application has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to middle level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals
Medical Eponyms (iPhone) - The popular "Medical Eponyms" is thoroughly updated with more than 1700 common and obscure medical eponyms with descriptions, featuring more of the medical terminology used in over 20 of today's fastest growing health profession areas. You'll also find more comprehensive inclusion of geopgraphic eponyms, syndroms and anatomy eponyms
DrugGuide (Davis's Drug Guide) for iPhone - Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses (DrugGuide powered by Skyscape) sets new standards for nursing drug references by increasing its focus on safe practice and effective patient care. This latest version is based on the 2008 print edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing content updates