The MSDict English-Polish Dictionary offers thousands of words and carefully chosen up-to-date vocabulary from all areas of modern English. With its clear definitions, information on the correct usage of the words and frequently used contexts this dictionary is an invaluable guide for everyday use
English Polish Translator with Voice - This application can translate and also read the specifies sentence in the selected language.
It becomes very handy when you learn one of the languages or travel abroad. It also allows the user change the input language temporarily.
You can also change the voice type from female to male
LingvoSoft Talking PhraseBook for iPhone provides instant bi-directional translation of thousands of practical and useful phrases. It replaces bulky and inconvenient books and speaks all of its phrases aloud using clear, understandable native speaker voice narration for both languages
Collins Mini Gem Spanish-Polish & Polish-Spanish Dictionary - The dictionary covers about 10,000 words so you can be sure of having all the vocabulary you need
Collins Mini Gem German-Polish & Polish-German Dictionary - The dictionary covers about 10,000 words so you can be sure of having all the vocabulary you need
Collins Mini Gem French-Polish & Polish-French Dictionary - The dictionary covers about 10,000 words so you can be sure of having all the vocabulary you need
Collins Mini Gem Norwegian-Polish & Polish-Norwegian Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Polish and Norwegian of all ages. The dictionary covers covers about 10,000 words from everyday Norwegian and Polish so you can be sure of having all the vocabulary you need
Polish-Chinese Cantonese Traditional Talking Travel Phrasebook - LingvoSoft Talking PhraseBook for iPhone provides instant bi-directional translation of thousands of practical and useful phrases. It replaces bulky and inconvenient books and speaks all of its phrases aloud using clear, understandable native speaker voice narration for both languages